
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

IMF enhances debt relief trust to support low-income countries

The IMF enhanced its Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT) to enable the Fund to provide debt service relief for its poorest and most vulnerable members. The CCRT enables the IMF to deliver grants for debt relief benefitting eligible low-income countries in the wake of catastrophic natural disasters and major, fast-spreading public health emergencies. 

The IMF now allows all member countries with per capita income below the World Bank’s operational threshold for concessional support to qualify for debt service relief for up to two years. This would apply when a life-threatening global pandemic is inflicting severe economic disruption across the Fund’s membership and is creating balance of payments needs on such a scale to warrant a concerted international effort to support the poorest and most vulnerable countries.

The COVID-19 pandemic is bound to create balance of payments crisis (declining exports, remittances, FDI, etc) and fiscal stress (lower revenue, higher expenditure) in some low-income countries.