
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Evaluating Aid for Trade on the Ground: Lessons from Nepal

Here is an abstract of a latest paper I co-authored.

The paper assesses the effectiveness of the AfT initiative in Nepal. It demonstrates that AfT has played a role in enhancing the country’s export performance. Notably, AfT-supported capacity building programmes have, in some cases, improved the competitiveness of Nepali exporters and promoted small-scale industries for products such as tea, cardamom and ginger. However, the potential effectiveness of AfT in Nepal is also hampered by various factors, such as low absorptive capacity; limited progress in making AfT projects financially and institutionally sustainable; and the need for more ownership by government agencies and the private sector. Finally, building on the study’s findings, the paper provides concrete recommendations to assist Nepal in making AfT programmes more effective in achieving their trade and development goals.

Read the full paper here (alternative link here).