
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Food Crisis: Quotable Quotes

The following quotes are from a book "Ending Hunger Now: A Challenge to Persons of Faith" written by Bob Dole, George McGovern, and Donald E. Messer.

There is not a lack of food in the world, but a lack of political will and personal compassion. (Donald E. Messer, p3)

We act like ending hunger in an ethical option rather than a moral obligation.(Donald E. Messer p16)

Today's malnourished pregnant and nursing mothers are producing tomorrow's barriers to personal, social, and economic development-malnourished, brain-dulled, listless children. (George McGovern, p27)

Feeding the hungry of the world is not only morally right but is also technically possible. (Donald E. Messer, p89)